Starting Immediately 0-1hrs / day
Applications ClosedPhone | 613-766-8432 |
Alt Phone | | | |
Website | |
Address | 85 Stephen Street, Kingston, ON |
Do you accept secondary/high school student volunteers? | Yes |
Do you/would you consider accepting post-secondary student placements? | Yes |
Organization | St. Vincent de Paul Society Kingston |
Category | Local Community |
Location | |
Posted | June 13th 2023 |
This program will vary on the day and availability of the volunteer. Monday - 1 position in the Wearhouse (donation sorting) 9 am-1 pm Tuesday - 4 positions in the Weahouse after hours 1-3 pm and 2 positions during operational hours 9 am-1 pm. Pantry support 9 am-1 pm Wednesday - 2 positions in assisting Programing 1 pm-3 pm and 1 Pantry Support from 9 am-1 pm. Thursday - 1 position in the wearhouse 9 am-1 pm and Pantry Support 9 am -1 pm Friday - Pantry Support 9 am -1 pm