City of Kingston - Heritage Services

Arts, Music & Culture - Kingston, ON
Member For 2 years
No Positions Open
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Address216 Ontario Street, Kingston, ON
Do you accept secondary/high school student volunteers? Yes
Do you/would you consider accepting post-secondary student placements? Yes

City of Kingston - Heritage Services

About City of Kingston - Heritage Services:

The City Hall of Kingston Ontario is a designated historic site built in the 1840s. The Heritage Services department actively shares the political and architectural history of the building with the public throughout the year. We are always looking for volunteers who can help us successfully delivery tours to the citizens of Kingston and visitors to our community of all age groups.

Our Mission:

To enhance the quality of life for present and future generations by providing progressive, professional services and leadership that reflects the needs of all those who work, live, visit, or play in the City of Kingston. We are a progressive, innovative corporation with satisfied citizens and employees.

How You Can Support Us:

Volunteers support the Kingston City Hall Tour Guide Program and help share the story of Kingston with locals and visitors from around the world. We are seeking tour guides and ambassadors.

Causes Supported:

Arts, Music & Culture Education & Literacy Heritage Arts, Music & Culture Education & Literacy Heritage

Open Volunteer Positions:

Sorry, there are no Volunteer Positions at this time.

Past Volunteer Positions:

Sorry, there are no Volunteer Positions at this time.