Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs

Accessibility and/or Disability Supports - Kingston, ON
Member For 9 months
No Positions Open
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Address829 Norwest Road, Suite 202,, Kingston, ON
Do you accept secondary/high school student volunteers? Yes
Do you/would you consider accepting post-secondary student placements? Yes

Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs

About Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs:

Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs (K4Paws) is a registered charity providing trained service dogs for eligible individuals residing in Southeastern Ontario. K4Paws provides service dogs for people living with autism, service dogs for people with mental health concerns including PTSD, mobility assistance service dogs, and seizure response service dogs. In addition, K4Paws trains dogs to serve as canine-assisted intervention dogs for select facilities.

Our Mission:

To provide trained service dogs and their continued handling support to physically and emotionally challenged persons and their families, assisting them to become more independent in their Southeastern Ontario communities.

How You Can Support Us:

K4Paws is a small charity relying on volunteers for fundraising, marketing and communications, and many of the organization's administrative functions. K4Paws also has an active volunteer board of directors.

Causes Supported:

Disability Support Health/Healthcare Mental Health Veterans and/or Military Families Animals Disability Support Health/Healthcare Mental Health Veterans and/or Military Families Animals

Open Volunteer Positions:

Sorry, there are no Volunteer Positions at this time.

Past Volunteer Positions:

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Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs Posted: July 8th 2024
  • Not Accepting Applications
  • Kingston, ON
  • Starting Immediately
  • 10-15hrs / month
  • 3 Spots Available of 3