Closing a Position

Closing a position signals the end of Recruitment, and the start of orientation. This is where you as a Volunteer Recruiter take over, and connect with your Volunteers via email, phone, or other method. When a position is closed, it is removed from the searchable database, and will no longer accept new Applications.

  1. Ensure your account has the "Recruiting Volunteers" or the "Both" Interest. You may edit your profile at any time.
  2. Please select your Organization from the "My Organizations" dropdown.
  3. Navigate to the Positions Tab, and Click "Create New Volunteer Position"

Closing a Position:

While editing a position, find the Actions dropdown, and select Close Applications. This will immediately close the Position - you may Resume applications be re-opening this position.

Positions are automatically Closed on the positions Starting Date.

Before closing a position, we recommend you reach out to any pending applications and politely Accept or Decline them first. It is ideal to Close a position while it has no pending applications.